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Dr Edwin “Leigh” Armistead, CISSP, is the President of ArmisteadTEC, an SDVOSB located in a HBZ in Virginia Beach. This company primarily focuses on the academic functions of Information Warfare (IW), to include curriculum development, teaching as well as other academic-related tasks to include lecturing and writing. ArmisteadTec owns the Journal of Information Warfare (JIW), which is the only double-blind, peer-reviewed academic publication in the United States focused on cyber warfare, www.jinfowar.com. A retired Naval Officer, Dr Armistead wrote his PhD on Information Operations (IO), plus he is co-founder of the International Conference of Cyber Warfare and Security, https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/iccws/; and is also a Vice-Chair for Working Group 9.10 – http://www.ifip.org/bulletin/bulltcs/memtc09.htm, ICT Uses in Peace and War.
Dr Armistead’s PhD is in Computer and Information Science from Edith Cowan University (Perth, Australia), he is Adjunct Professor at Old Dominion University (Norfolk, VA) and he has held a number of USAF fellowships (Institute of National Security Studies and Air Force Historical Research Agency), plus served as Chairman and Senior Editor for over 10 conference proceedings, published over 40 academic papers/articles, with significant teaching/lecturing experience to include Norwich University, American Military University, and a Master Faculty at the Joint Forces Staff College. He is a graduate of the Department of Defense, Chief Information Officer Program (National Defense University), the USAF Air Command and Staff College, the College of Naval Command and Staff (Naval War College) and the US Naval Academy. Dr Armistead routinely is asked to give lectures around the world and is a much sought-after speaker on IW/IO and cyber warfare topics.
Written Works
Shown below are three books that he has written and edited as well as the cover of the JIW, where he is the Chief Editor. For the latter, he collaborated over four years (2013-2107) with the National Security Agency on a special edition and he is now collaborating with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for a three-year span on (2019-2022). He also developed a special issue in 2019 with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, on their new program, the Partnership for Countering Influence Operations, and is lead supporting a current NATO research project Systems Analysis and Studies-163 (SAS-163), “Energy Security in the Era of Hybrid Warfare https://en.europarabct.com/?p=47611.