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Research, Conference Coordinating and Consulting
Dr Leigh Armistead regularly lectures around the world on information warfare and cyber security. He also helped to form the International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS), in 2006 and the 16th version of this event will be held on 25 February- 26 February 2021 at Tennessee Tech University with joint collaboration of Tennessee Tech Cybersecurity Education, Research and Outreach Center (CEROC), Computer Science department and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/iccws/. This is a unique conference, which brings together academics, practitioners, operators, military staff, students as well as DoD civil servants and contractors in a two-day event that computer security, cyber warfare and information operations. For the past 15 years ICCWS has developed into an important conference in the cyber-security field, attracting academics, military professionals and practitioners from around the world to present their research findings in the form of empirical studies, case histories and other theoretical and practical contributions. In addition, master and doctoral degree candidates find this conference a valuable opportunity to network with others and have the opportunity to present papers and posters. Over the years the Conference has been attended by a variety of security and military organizations including Cyber Security Policy Research Institute, more than 10 national defense colleges, NATO, SHAPE etc. Delegates can attend without submitting as well to listen to all of the lectures at a reasonable price.

It is now 20 years since the European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS) was established. It has been held in Ireland, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Greece, Portugal, to mention only a few of the countries which have hosted it. In 2021, it will be held at te University of Chester (United Kingdom). This conference attracts an interesting combination of academic
scholars, military personnel, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various
aspects of the cyber security community. ECCWS is generally attended by participants
from more than 30 countries. The Journal of Information Warfare regularly publishes a
number of the papers presented at this conference. ECCWS is an event which brings
like-minded researchers together from across the world. This year the global covid-19
pandemic has caused the event to move online where participants will meet in a virtual
space to share their technical exchange about the study, management, development
and implementation of systems and concepts to combat cyber warfare or to improve
information systems security.